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Alabama/Alaska/Arizona/Arkansas California /Colorado/Conneticut/Delaware Florida/Georgia/Idaho /Iowa/Illinois Indiana /Kentucky/Louisana/Massachusettes Maryland /Maine /Michigan /Minnesota Mississippi/Missouri/Montana /Nebraska
Nevada/New Hampshire/New Jersey/New Mexico
North Carolina/North Dakota/Ohio/Oklahoma
Oregon/Pennsylvania/Rhode Island/South Carolina
South Dakota/Tennessee/Texas/Utah
Vermont/Virginia/Washington/West Virginia
Wisconsin/Wyoming National Clubs North Dakota Central Dakota Gem & Mineral Society c/o Ray Oliger 516 N. "20th" St. Bismarck, ND 58501 c/o Steve Newstrom 2519 Grant Dr. Bismarck, ND 58501 USA Contact: Steve Newstrom (Show Chairman) E-Mail: unavailable 1-701-255-4675 Meetings: 1st Sunday, 2:00 pm November-March & 7:00 pm April-October, Masonic Center, 1810 Schafer St. Federations: Rocky Mountain Federation and American Federation Lake Agassiz Rock Club 1901 "11th" Ave. S. Fargo, ND 58103 USA Meetings: lst Wednesday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, NDSU Campus, Stevens Hall, Rm. 136. 
Rhode Island Rhode Island Mineral Hunters 66 Clearview Dr. N. Kingston, RI 02852-2502 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Woodridge Church Hall, 546 Budlong Road, Cranston. South Carolina  Aiken Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Society, The 3424 Meadow Dr. Aiken, SC 29801-2851 USA Contact: Kathleen Wallis E-Mail: Meetings: Last Friday of January thru October, 8:00 pm, Room 200 USCA Science Building, University of South Carolina at Aiken. Federations: AGMS, SFMS and EFMLS The purpose of the Aiken Gem and Mineral Society (AGMS) is to stimulate interest in the collection of gem, fossil and mineral materials to impart knowledge of lapidary work, mineralogy, collecting and classification of minerals and the application in the art so greater pleasure may be derived from these activities. Charles Towne Mineral & Lapidary Club PO Box 902 Johns Island, SC 29455 USA Club E-Mail: Contact: John Huck E-mail: 1-842-835-2488 Meetings: 3rd Friday, 7:00 pm, Fort Johnson Marine Resources Laboratory. Federation: Southeastern and American Columbia Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 6333 Columbia, SC 29260 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:15 pm, McKissick Museum, 816 Bull St. Low Country Gem & Mineral Society 2149 Glendale Dr. Charleston, SC 29414 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, American Legion Post 166, 116 Howerthru Rd., Goose Creek. Pacolet Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 674 Spartanburg, SC 29304 USA Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 pm, TW Edwards Recreation Center, Pacolet. Pendleton District Gem & Mineral Society 124 Hedge St. Central, SC 29630 USA Contact: Fred Sias E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Blue Ridge Arts Council, 111 East South "2nd" St., Seneca. The Pendleton District Gem and Mineral Society was organizedto stimulate interest in the collecting of minerals and in cuttingand polishing of gem materials; to disseminate knowledge of lapidary work, mineralogy, collecting and classification of mineralsand their application in the arts so that greater pleasure may bederived from the hobby. South Carolina Earth Antiquities Society PO Box 7712 Columbia, SC 29202 USA Contact: Gary Ogg E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Sunday at 5:00 pm, McKissick Museum at the University of SC. Western South Carolina Gem & Mineral Society 302 Shannon Dr. Greenville, PA 29615-1815 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, Sears Shelter, 100 E. Park Ave. South Dakota  Badlands Sandhills Earth Science Club Box 61 Valintine, NE 69201 USA Meetings: 1st Sunday (Sept.-May), 2:15 pm, North Elementary School, Mission. Brookings Area Gem & Mineral Society 502 "12th" Ave. Brookings, SD 57006 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Except summer), 8:00 pm, 4-H Bldg. or in homes. Corn Palace Rock Club 420 S. Duff St. Mitchell, SD 57301 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm, Bittners Community Room, 805 W. Havens. Coteau Des Plaines Gem & Mineral Society 901 "43rd" St. NW Watertown, SD 57201 USA Custer City Rock Club RR1, Box 105 Custer, SD 57730 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday 7:00 pm, Member Homes. Lewis & Clark Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 153 Avon, SD 57315 USA Meetings: 1st Sunday (Apr.-Dec.), 1:00 pm, Yankton Public Library.
Sioux Empire Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. President, Janine Heifner
PO Box 91301
Sioux Falls, SD 57109
USA Meetings: 7pm, every second Friday, September thru June, except
December, in Room 101 of the Gilbert Science Center, Augustana College,
Sioux Falls, SD.
Western Dakota Gem and Mineral Society 23777 Aero Rd. Rapid City, SD 57702 USA Contact: Dave Phelps 1-605-787-5140 Contact: Gus Bomford E-Mail: Meetings: 1st Friday, 7:00 pm, WREA Bldg., 3250 East Hwy. 44, Rapid City, S.D. Federation: AFMS and RMFMS Tennessee  Chattanooga Geology Club 4117 Ealy Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37412 USA Eastman Rocks & Minerals Club Box 511 Kingsport, TN 37662 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm, Bldg. 310 Easton Employee Center. Kingsport Gems and Minerals Society c/o Charles E. Willett 115 Hampton Green Kingsport, TN 37663 USA Contact: Charles Willett 1-423-239-7912 E-Mail: 104517.3364@compuserve Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm, Kingsport Public Library. Federation: Southeast Knoxville Gem & Mineral Society 725 E. Meadcrest Dr. Knoxville, TN 37921 USA also: PO Box 50291 Knoxville, TN 37950-0291 USA Patsy Monk (President) E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, University of Tennessee, Agricultural Complex ,Brehm Animal Sciences Bldg. 1st Floor. Memphis Archaeological & Geological Society, Inc. 2959 Sky Way Dr. Memphis, TN 38127 Contact: Mike Baldwin 1-901-853-3603 E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Friday, 7:30 pm, Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, 5530 Shady Grove Road, Memphis. Federations: Southeast Federation Mineralogical Societies, Inc. and AFMS Middle Tennessee Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 1256 Murfreesboro, TN 37133-1256 USA 1-615-893-8270 Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Farm Bureau Bldg., 818 South Church St. Member: American Federation of Mineralogical Societies and Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies. The Middle Tennessee Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit educational society dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences. Middle Tennessee Rockhounds PO Box 120371 Nashville, TN 37212 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Church of the Advent Episcopal. The Middle Tennessee Rockhounds is a group of individuals who share common interests in collecting and working with gems, minerals, jewelry, geology, and fossils. The Middle Tennessee Rockhounds is a non-profit family-oriented organization that is open to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Smokey Mountain Mineral Society 4200A Bennett Branch Rd. Hartford, TN 37753-2239 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm, Senior Citizens Center, Mulbery & Cosby Hwy. Tennessee Valley Rock & Mineral Club 815-B Poindexter East Ridge, TN 37412 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Trinity Lutheran Church, 5001 Hixon Pike, Hixon. Unaka Rock & Mineral Society PO Box 85 Bluff City, TN 37618 USA Meetings: 4th Monday, 7:00 pm, St. John's Episcopal Church, 500 N. Roan St., Johnson City. Texas  Arlington Gem & Mineral Club 4210 Barnett St. Arlington, TX 76017 USA E-mail: unavailable Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm, 4210 Barnett. We are a Club of 300+ members with the purpose to encourage the study of earth sciences, lapidary arts, and other related fields, and enjoy good fellowship with those who share like interests. Austin Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 6719 Burnet Lane Austin, TX 78757 USA Meetings: Last Thursday (Jan.-Oct.), 7:30 pm, 6719 Burnet Lane. Brazos Gem & Mineral Society of Granbury 710 Pecan Pass Cedar Park, TX 78613 USA or 16420 Edgemere Pflugerville, TX 78660 USA Meetings: 6:30 pm once a year at the annual show in Glenrose, TX. Brazos Valley Gem and Mineral Society 2700 Brookway Dr. College Station, TX 77845 USA Contact: Glen Payne 1-409 764-7106 Meetings: 1st Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Texas A & M Campus, Rm. 50, College of Vet. Medicine. Central Texas Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 7343 Abilene, TX 79608 USA E-Mail: Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:30 pm, Yellow Quonset Hut, Highway 277, Caps. Clear Lake Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 58072 Houston, TX 77258 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm, Clear Lake Park Bldg., 5001 No., Road One, Seabrook. To promote education and popular interest in the various earth sciences; in particular in those hobbies dealing with the art of lapidaries and the science of minerals, fossils and their associated fields. Cross Timbers Gem & Mineral Club 942 Perston Lane Dublin, TX 76446 USA Meetings: 1st Saturday (in Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec.), 12:00 pm, Dublin Senior Citizens Center, 202 E. Clinton. Cross Timbers Gem & Mineral Club 2450 West Fray St. Stephenville, TX 76401 USA Meetings: 1st Saturday (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.), 2:00 pm , Erath County Electric Co-Op. Dallas Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 742033 Dallas, TX 75374-2033 USA Contact: Cheri Rodger E-mail: Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Ridgewood Park Recreation Center, 818 Fisher Rd. De-Ridder Gem & Mineral Society of West Central Louisiana & East Texas Rt. 1, Box 509 Toledo Bend Lake, TX 75932 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Vernon Parish Library, Leesville, LA East Texas Gem & Mineral Society 5013 North Dr. Tyler, TX 75703 USA Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:15 pm, University of Texas, Tyler Student Ct,., Rm. 118. El Paso Mineral and Gem Society, Inc. P. O. Box 31516 El Paso, TX 79931 USA Contact: Bonnie Lee Luckey E-Mail: Meetings: 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm, ACBL International Bridge Center, 2216 E Yandell. Federation: Rocky Mountain Federation Fort Worth Gem & Mineral Club 3545 Bryan Ave. / PO Box 11204 Fort Worth, TX 76110-0204 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, 3545 Bryan Ave. Member: This club is a member of the South Central Federation Of Mineral Societies. The Ft.Worth Gem and Mineral Club is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the study of geology, mineralogy, and lapidary arts, and to stimulate interest in searching for and collecting minerals and fossils. Galveston County Gem & Mineral Society 3121 Danforth Texas City, TX 77590 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, "21st" St. & "5th" Ave. N. Geological Society of San Antonio 218 Sunnycrest San Antonio, TX 78228-2428 USA Contact: Gary W. Yantis (President) 1-210-433-1247 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 4th Wednesday of the month. Golden Spread Gem & Mineral Society 108 S. Palk Amarillo, TX 79101 USA Meetings: 4th Monday (except Dec.), 7:00 pm, Hawkins Trailers, 108 S. Polk. Gulf Coast Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 6494 Corpus Christi, TX 78411-6494 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Jan.-May, Sept.-Nov.), 7:30 pm, C.C. Museum, 1900 N. Chaparral. Highland Lakes Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 490 Kingsland, TX 78639 USA Meetings: 1st Monday (except Holidays), 2:00 pm, Kingsland Library. Hi-Plains Gem & Mineral Society 701 Zephyr Plainview, TX 79072 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm, Wayland Baptist University, Moody Science Bldg. Houston Gem & Mineral Society 10805 Brooklet Houston, TX 77099 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, 10805 Brooklet. Lockheed Recreation Association Rockhound Activity 3400 Bryant Irvin Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76109 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, Lockheed Recreation Area on Bryant Irvin Rd. Lubbock Gem & Mineral Society P.O. Box 6371 Lubbock, TX 79493 USA Contact: Arden Robinson Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Precinct One Club House, 5012 "50th" St. Federation: South Central Federation of Mineral Societies Inc. and AFMS. The LGMS's purpose is to bring together persons interested in the gem and mineral hobby; to promote the study and collecting of minerals, fossils, artifacts and the lapidary arts. Magic Valley Gem & Mineral Society 5812 N. "26th" St. McAllen, TX 78504-4704 USA or PO Box 3004 Edinburg, TX 78540 USA Meetings: 3rd Wed. 7:30 pm (Sept - June), McAllen International Museum. Midland Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 5043 Midland, TX 79704 USA Meetings: 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm, Sibley Learning Center, 1307 E. Wadley. Oak Cliff Gem & Mineral Society 1619 Savoy Dallas, TX 75224 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Dallas Family Hospital, Educ. Bldg., 2929 Hampton Rd. Oak Cliff Gem & Mineral Society 602 Eishenhower Dr. Duncanville, TX 75137 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Columbia Medical Center, Education Building. Pine Country Gem & Mineral Society Rt. 1, Box 248 Jasper, TX 75951 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Jasper County Courthouse. Pleasant Oaks Gem & Mineral Club of Dallas P.O. Box 860265 Dallas, TX 75086-0265 USA E-Mail: Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Garland Women's Activities Bldg., 713 Austin St., Garland. Federation: South Central Federation of Mineral Societies Rollin'Rock Club, Inc. 6004 Cohoke Dr. Arlington, TX 76018 USA Southwest Gem & Mineral Society 222 King William San Antonio, TX 78204 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, First Baptist Church, 515 McCullough. Texas Big Bend Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 1578 Alpine, TX 79831 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (winter), 7:30 pm (summer), Alpine Chamber of Commerce Bldg. or Ocotillo Ent., 205 N. "5th" St. Texas Facetefts' Guild 6503 Almeda Houston, TX 77021 USA Texoma Rockhounds PO Box 2 Blue Ridge, TX 75424 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, 101 W Woodard St. Texoma Rockhounds, Inc. c/o Ed Swiatovy 469 Tee Taw Cir. Sherman, Tx 75092 USA E-Mail: Tri-City Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 735 Temple, TX 76501 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall, Grace Presbyterian Church, 2401 S. "57th" St. Val Verde Gem & Mineral Society 17 Rose Ave. Del Rio, TX 78840 USA Meetings: 2nd Sunday, 2:30 pm, Mr. Gatti's private room. Victoria Gem & Mineral Society 807 Berge Rd. Victoria, TX 77905 USA Meetings: 1st Friday, 7:30 pm, Victoria Electric Co-op Auditorium, 102 S. B., Jordan. Waco Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 8811 Waco, TX 76714-8811 USA Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:30 pm, Richfield Christian Church, Fellowship Hall, 4201 Cobb Dr. Williamson County Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 422 Georgetown, TX 78626 USA Meetings: 2nd Sunday (except Dec.), 2:30 pm, Gorgetown Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Stadium Dr. at Highway #81 N.
Utah  Beehive Rock & Gem Club PO Box 1011 Ogden, UT 84402 USA Meetings: 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm, Weber County Library Auditorium. Cache Geological & Archeological Society, Inc. PO Box 202 Hyde Park, UT 84318 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Senior Citizens Center, 236 N. 100 E., Logan. Color Country Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 110 Box 769 Panguitch, UT 84759 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Senior Citizens Room, Garfield Courthouse. Golden Spike Gem & Mineral Society 5640 W. 5100 S. Hooper, UT 84315 USA Meetings: 3rd Wednesday 7:30 pm, Golden Hour Center, Ogden. Mineral Collectors of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah USA Contact: Chuck Adan 1-801-982-1789 E-Mail: Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month 7:30 pm, Room 517, Bowning Building, Univ. of Utah Campus. Moab Points & Pebbles Club P.O. Box 1459 Moab, UT 84532 USA Contact: Leo Dutilly (VP) 1-435-259-4791 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, Moab Community Church. Timpanogos Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 65 Provo, UT 84601 USA Meetings: 4th Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Provo Eldred Center, 270 W. 500 North. Tooele Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 348 Tooele, UT 84074 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Senior Citizens Center. Utah Federation of Gem & Mineralogical Societies 1223 North,1500 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 USA Wasatch Gem Society PO Box 26491 Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0491 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday (Except July, & August), 7:30 pm Senior Citizens Cente, 237 S "10th" E. Vermont  Burlington Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 1712 Burlington, VT 05402-1712 USA Meetings: Last Thursday (Except July & Dec.), 7:30 pm, Community Lutheran Church, 1560 Williston Rd. Rutland Rock & Mineral Club PO Box 339 Wallingford, VT 05773-0339 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Pleasant Manor Nursing Home, 56 Nichols St. Virginia  Gem & Mineral Hunters 13646 Kingsman Rd. Woodbridge, VA 22193 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Trinity Lutheran Church. Gem & Mineral Society of Lynchburg 301 Grove St. Lynchburg, VA 24501 USA Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Park. & Recreation Bldg. Auditorium, 301 Grove St. Gem & Mineral Society of the Virginia Peninsula, Inc. PO Box 6424 Hidenwood Station, VA 23606-6424 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm, Virginia Living Museum, 524 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News. Gem, Lapidary and Mineral Society of Washington, DC c/o Matthew Charsky (President) 2430 N. Glebe Rd. Arlington, VA 22207-3536 USA 14506 Fairacers Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA Contact: Cathy Gaber E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Friday, 7:00 pm, Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW & McKinley St., NW, Washington, DC Micromineralogists of the National Capital Area 4400 San Carlo Dr. Fairfax, VA 22030 USA Meetings: 4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Catlin Springs Rd, Arligton. Micromineralogists of the National Capital Area c/o Fred Schaefermeyer (President) 4603 Eaton Place Alexandria, VA 22310-2002 USA Contact: Cathy Gaber E-Mail: Meetings: 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm, Long Branch Nature Center, 625 Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington. Midlothian Earth Science Association PO Box 1345 Midlothian, VA 23113 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Meeting Hall, Sycamore Square. Mineralogical Society of the District of Columbia, Inc. c/o Jennie Smith (President) 4400 San Carlos Dr. Fairfax, VA 22030-5369 USA Contact: Cathy Gaber E-Mail: Meetings: 1st Wednesday (Sept.-June), 8:00 pm, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, "10th" & Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC. Northern Virginia Mineral Club, Inc. 6429 Vale St. Alexandria, VA 22312 USA Meetings: 4th Monday (except May, July, Aug. & Dec.), 7:45 pm, Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Arligton. Old Dominion Earth Science Society PO Box 8485 Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8485 USA Meetings: 1st Friday, 7:00 pm, Tidewater Community College, 1700 College Crescent. Richmond Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 26985 Richmond, VA 23261 USA Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Science Museum of Virginia. Roanoke Valley Mineral & Gem Society PO Box 3297 Roanoke, VA 24015-1297 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Science Museum, Center in the Square, One Market Square. Shenandoah Valley Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 324 Waynesboro, VA 22980 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, Waynesboro Church of the Brethern, 364 Bridge Ave. Tidewater Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 61021 Virginia Beach, VA 23466-1021 USA Meetings: 3rd Friday, 7:00 pm, Salvation Army Recreation Center. 
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