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North Dakota Central Dakota Gem & Mineral Society c/o Ray Oliger 516 N. "20th" St. Bismarck, ND 58501 c/o Steve Newstrom 2519 Grant Dr. Bismarck, ND 58501 USA Contact: Steve Newstrom (Show Chairman) E-Mail: unavailable 1-701-255-4675 Meetings: 1st Sunday, 2:00 pm November-March & 7:00 pm April-October, Masonic Center, 1810 Schafer St. Federations: Rocky Mountain Federation and American Federation Lake Agassiz Rock Club 1901 "11th" Ave. S. Fargo, ND 58103 USA Meetings: lst Wednesday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, NDSU Campus, Stevens Hall, Rm. 136. 
Ohio Akron Mineral Society 912 Davis Ave. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 USA Meetings: 2nd Saturday, 6:30 pm, Summit Lapidary Club, 244 Chestnutt Blvd. Brunker Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 62 St. Paris, OH 43072 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm, Brunker Nature Center, Troy. Brunswick High School Geology Society 3581 Center Rd. Brunswick, OH 44212 USA Meetings: Tuesday 2:30pm (during the School Year). Chippewa Gem & Mineral Society 9058 Chatham Rd. Medina, OH 44256 USA E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 2nd Saturday, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, 9100 Chatham Rd. Federation: Midwest Cincinnati Mineral Society 2437 Dorian Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45215-3705 USA Contact: John E. Fischer Telephone: 513-733-3612 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 2nd Friday of the Month, 8:00 pm, Cincinnati Museum Center, Geier Research Center, 1720 Gilbert Ave. Federation: The Midwest Federation and American Federation Columbus Rock & Mineral Society 30 East Main St. West Jefferson, OH 43162 USA Contact: Russ Schumacher (MWF Club Liaison) 1-614-879-5983 E-Mail: Meetings: 4th Friday (except Dec, July, and Aug,), 7:30 pm, Chemical Abstract, Bldg, A, Olentangy River Rd., Columbus. Federation: Midwest Federation Dayton Gem & Mineral Society 114 Marchester Dr. Kettering, OH 45429 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday (except July picnic & Dec. party), 7:30 pm, Dayton. Dry Dredgers, Inc. Department of Geology University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 USA Contact: Greg Hand 1-513-556-1822 Meetings: see web site or newsletter for dates, 8:00 pm, University of Cincinnati, Room 207 Braunstein Hall (Old Physics Building). Federation: An Association of Amateur Geologists and Fossil Collectors East Ohio Lapidary Club 6576 Kinsmamnn-Orangeville Rd. Kinsmann, OH 44428 USA Meetings: 4th Monday (Except August & December), 8:00 pm, St. Cyril & Methodius School, Warren. Firelands Geological Club 1509 Walnut Rd. North Fairfield, OH 44855 USA Meetings: 1st Moday (Sept.-June), 8:00 pm, St. Peter Lutheran Church. Ft. Hamilton Gem & Mineral Society 1818 Gephert Hamilton, OH 45013 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Firehouse Community Room. Greater Cincinnati Lapidary & Faceting Society 1351 Linden Circle Dr. Milford, OH 45011 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:00 pm, First Baptist Church of Loveland. Lake Erie Gem & Geological Society 10735 LaGrange Rd. Elyria, OH 44035 USA Meet 3rd Monday (except Jan.), 7:30 pm, Visitors Ctr., Metro Park ,Diagonal Rd. Lakeshore Mineral & Lapidary Society 6351 Ramblewood Dr. Mentor, OH 44060 USA Meetings: 4th Friday, 8:00 pm, Mentor Christian Church, 8751 Mentor Ave. Licking Mineral & Lapidary Society PO Box 94 Mt. Vernon, OH 53050 USA Meetings: 4th Wednesday (Jan.-Oct.), 7:30 pm, Newark. Medina County Gem & Mineral Society 6818 Spencer Lake Rd. Medina, OH 44256 USA Meetings: 1st Friday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Medina Library Meeting Rm. Miami Valley Mineral & Gem Club 231 W. State St. Springfield, OH 45506 USA Meetings: 2nd Sunday (Sept.-May), 2:00 pm, YMCA, Fairborn. Micromineral Society of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History 2495 Deborah Dr. Beachwood, OH 44122 USA Meetings: 4th Saturday (except September), 1:00 pm, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval, Cleveland. Mideast Faceters Guild 6758 Erie Sylvania, OH 43560 USA Mineralogical Society of Cleveland 4219 Brianard Rd. Chagin Falls, OH 44022 USA Meetings: 4th Monday, 7:30 pm, Members Homes. Ohio Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 753 Arm St. Belpre, OH 45714 USA Meetings: write for info Parma Lapidary Club 23884 Fairlawn Dr. N. Olmstead, OH 44070 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday (except July), 7:30 pm, Tri-City Senior Ctr., 16699 E. Bagley Rd., Middleburg Heights. Port Clinton Earth Science Club 507 Primrose Galion, OH 44833 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday (except Jan.), 7:00 pm, Ida Rabb Library, Port Clinton. Richland Lithic & Lapidary Society The Lithnics c/o Robert Hughes (Editor) 3053 Millsboro Rd. Mansfield, OH 44903-8786 USA Contact: Robert Hughes 1-419-529-5011 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 1st Monday ( if holiday, next Monday), 7:30 pm, Kingwood Center Gatehouse, 900 Park Ave. Federations: MWF, AFMS Rockport Lapidary Club 4219 Brainard Rd. Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday (Sept.-June), 8:00 pm, FOP Hall, 26145 Center Ridge Rd., Westlake. Stark County Gem & Mineral Club 150 Cayuga Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Canton Garden Center. Summit Lapidary Club 19 Sheldon Ave. Akron, OH 44301 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, 244 Chestnut Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls. Toledo Gem & Rockhound Club 3423 Percentum Dr. Toledo, OH 43617 USA Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Toledo Botanical Gardens, Conference Room. Wayne County Gem & Mineral Club 87 N. "4th" St. Rittman, OH 44270-1333 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday (Sept.-June), 7:15 pm, Wayne County Library, North Market & Larwill Ste., Wooster. Oklahoma  Ada Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Club, Inc. PO Box 1202 Ada, OK 74820 USA Contact: Doug Kreis 1-580-332-1655 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Ada Public Library, "12th" and Rennie, "12th" St Entrance. Federation: Rocky Mountain American Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies AFMS Central Office PO Box 26523 Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0523 USA Contact: Martin Hart E-Mail: A non-profit educational federation of seven similar regional organizations of gem, mineral and lapidary societies. Founded in 1947. Enid Gem & Mineral Society 2614 W. Oklahoma Enid, OK 73703 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Hoover Building, Garfield County Fairgrounds. McCuktain Gem & Mineral Club 406 S.E. Ave. East Idabel, OK 74745 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Idabel Public Library. Mount Scott Gem & Mineral Society 44 NW "29th" St. Lawton, OK 73505 USA Meetings: 4th Friday, 7:00 pm, Town Hall, "5th"& B Ave. Oklahoma Mineral & Gem Society, Inc., The PO Box 25632 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Except June & December), 7:30 pm, Will Rogers Garden Exhibition. Osage Hills Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. P. O. Box 561 Bartlesville, OK 74005 USA Contact: Mel Albright E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Thursday (except August and December), 7:00 pm, East Bartlesville Christian Church, 3321 Tuxedo Boulevard (Enter by rear door). Federation: Rocky Mountain Federation Rough & Tumbled Rock & Gem Club, Inc. 129 Viola Ponca City, OK 74601 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:00 pm, 102 N. First St. Shawnee Gem & Mineral Club 10 Donna Lane Shawnee, OK 74801-5614 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Northridge Church of Christ. Stillwater Mineral & Gem Society, Inc. 1116 South Gray Stillwater, OK 74074-5446 USA Meetings: 4th Thursday (except Nov. & Dec.), First United Methodist Church. Tahlequah Rock & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 932 Tahlequah, OK 74465 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Tahlequah Public Library. Texoma Rockhounds, Inc. 513 Geraldine Dr. Madill, OK 73446 USA Tulsa Rock & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 2292 Tulsa, OK 74101-2292 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:00 pm, Downtown Library. Oregon  Clackamette Mineral & Gem Corp 19340 Towncrest Dr. Oregon City, OR 97045 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zion Lutheran Church. Columbia Gorge Rockhounds PO Box 92 Corbett, OR 97019 USA Meetings: 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm, Fireman's Recreation Hall. Eugene Mineral Club 2708 Potter St. Eugene, OR 97405 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday, 7:00 pm and 3rd Thursday 7:30 pm, Allison Park Christian Church, 1520 Echo Hollow Rd., Eugene Water Board, N. Bldg.. 500 E. "4th" St. Far West Lapidary & Gem Club PO Box 251 Coos Bay, OR 97420 USA Meetings: lst & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Faith Lutheran Church, North Bend. Hat Rockhounds Gem & Mineral So. City, Inc. Box 1122 Hermiston, OR 97838 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Umatilla Electric Co-op Assc. Bldg. Mid Valley Gem & Geology Club 5443 Dwan Court N. Salem, OR 97303 USA Mid-Willamette Facetor's Guild 2075 Tabor St. Eugene, OR 97401-6540 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday (October-June), 7:00 pm, Linn-Benton Community College, Heath Occupations Building, Room 116, Albany. Mt. Hood Rock Club N.W. 8th & Norman Gresham, OR 97030 USA Contact: Terry Ensell 1-503-245-9184 Meetings: 2nd Wednesday & 4th Monday, Gresham United Methodist Church. North Lincoln Agate Society PO Box 1120 Gleneden Beach, OR 97388 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm, Sea Grove Estate Club House, Lincoln Beach. Oregon Agate & Mineral Society 4927 SE Haig St. Portland, OR 97206 USA Meetings: 1st & 3rd Friday, 8:00 pm, VFW Post, 8138 SE Stock St. Oregon Coast Agate Club PO Box 293 Newport, OR 97365 USA Meetings: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 8:00 pm, Naterlin Community Center (2nd Thursday). Oregon Rockers 5115 N.E. Everett Portland, OR 97213 USA Oregon Trail Gem & Mineral Society 104 NW "12th" Pendleton, OR 97801 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday 7:45 pm, Members Homes. Rock & Arrowhead Club PO Box 1803 Klamath Falls, OR 97601-0103 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, Klamath County Museum. Rogue Gem & Geology Club PO Box 1224 Grants Pass, OR 97526 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Fruitdale Grange, 960 Rogue River Highway, Grants Pass. Roxy Ann Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 2002 Scenic Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 USA Meetings: 2nd Friday (except for July and December), 7:30 pm, Crater Rock Museum (run by the club), 2002 Scenic Ave., Museum phone 1-541-664-6081. Siusiaw Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 935 Florence, OR 97439-0043 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, Public Library, 1460 "9th" St. South Douglas Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 814 Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 USA Meetings: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 941 Hill St. Springfield Rock Club PO Box 10682 Eugene, OR 97440 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, Springfield Utility Board Conference Room, Springfield. Sweet Home Rock & Mineral Society PO Box 241 Sweet Home, OR 97386-0241 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 6:30 pm, Fir Lawn Lutheran Church. Tall Man Rock Chippers PO Box 563 Lakeview, OR 97630 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Hi Desert Craft Rock Shop, 244 North "M" St. Trails End Gem & Mineral Club Rt.3, Box 133 Astoria, OR 97103 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:00 pm. Treasure Valley Rock & Gem Club PO Box 2355 Nyssa, OR 97913 USA Tuaiatin Valley Gem Club PO Box 603 Forest Grove, OR 97116 USA Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday (except Dec.), 7:30 pm, Forest Grove Senior Center, 2037 Douglas. Umpqua Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 1264 Roseburg, OR 97470-1318 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:00 pm and 4th Monday, 1:00 pm, Rosewood Activity Center, 990 W. Stanton. Willamette Agate and Mineral Society PO Box 13041 Salem OR 97309-1041 President: Aaron Currier. Meetings: First Thursday, 7:00 PM, 1055 Erixon St NE, Salem, Oregon. Willamette Faceters Guild PO Box 2136 Portland, OR 97208-2136 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, Lynchwood Christian Church, 3815 SE "174th," Columbia. Pennsylvania  Appalachian Gem and Mineral Club c/o Sue Bittner 721 Casebeer Church Rd. Somerset, PA 15501 USA Contact: Sue Bittner 1--814-445-6085 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 4th Sunday, 2:00 pm, St. Paul's United Church of Christ, 202 W. Union St. Beaver County Rock & Mineral Society 123 Moon Enlow Rd. Moon Township, PA 15108 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Bridgewater United Methodist Church, 700 Market St., Bridgewater. Berks Mineralogical Society B.M.S. Reading, Pennsylvania USA Contact: Dennis Buffenmyer E-Mail: unavailable Meeting: 2nd Tuesday (except July and August), 7:30 to 9:30 pm, Reading Museum. Blair Rock & Mineral Club, Inc. PO Box 17 Newry, PA 16665 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Human Resource Conference Rm., Altoona. Bucks County Earth Science Society 101 S. Westview Ave. Feasterville, PA 19053 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday (September-June), 8:00 pm, Churchill Nature Center. Central Pennsylvania Rock & Mineral Club, Inc. 2408 Swatara St. Harrisburg, PA 17104-2035 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Mt. Oliver United Methodist Church, 5000 Simpson Ferry Rd., Shiremanstown. Che-Hanna Rock & Mineral Club, Inc. PO Box 22 Sayre, PA 18840 USA Meetings: 2nd Wednesday (Sept.-June), 7:00 pm, Sayre High School, Rm. 113. Delaware Valley Lapidary & Mineral Society 726 Sheffield Dr. Springfield, PA 19064 USA Contact: Mack Lingenfelter 1-610-544-5523 E-Mail: Meetings: 4th Tuesday (except July and August), 7.30 pm, Springfield Township Building. Federations: EFMLS and AFML Franklin County Rock & Mineral Club PO Box 1004 Chambersburg, PA 17201-1004 USA Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Science Center, Wilson College. Gem & Mineral Club of Lower Bucks County 912 Manor Lane Langhorne, PA 19053 USA Meetings: 2nd Friday, 8:00 pm, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Fairless Hill. Gem City Rock & Mineral Society, Inc. 427 Collen Dr. Erie, PA 16505 USA Meetings: 1st Friday, 7:30 pm, "10th" & State St. Keystone West Gem & Mineral Society 508A Perry Hwy. Harmony, PA 16037 USA Kiski Area Gem & Lapidary Club RD #2, Box 132 Saltsburg, PA 15631 USA Meetings: 3rd Saturday, 2:00 pm, Community Bldg. Kit-Han-Ne Rock & Gem Club 200 Pine Hill Rd. Kittanning, PA 16201 USA Contact: Albert Zabinski E-Mail: Meetings; 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Community Pariah Hall, McVille, on Rt. 128, Codogn.-Freeport Rd. Leidy Microscopical Society c/o LP Tori Jr. PO Box 40 Holicong, PA 18928 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Northminster Presbyterian Church, 140 Trenton Rd., Fairless Hills. Mineral & Lapidary Society of Pittsburgh, Inc. 409 E. Carter Dr. Versailles, PA 15137 USA Meetings: 3rd Friday (Aug.-May), 7:30 pm, Boro Bldg., Whitehall. Mineralogical Society of North-Eastern Pennsylvania 637 S. Valley Ave. Olyphant, PA 18447 USA Meetings: 4th Sunday, 2:00 pm, Dupont Fire Hall. Mineralogical Society of Pennsylvania 566 Buttonwood Farm Rd. Millersville, PA 17551 USA Mineralogical Society of Pennsylvania Rd #1 Box 1222-A Leesport, PA 19533 Contact: Barry Gehret 1-610-378-0978 Meetings: West Chester University, Philadelphia. Monongahela Rockhounds 1024 Lincoln Ave. Duquesne, PA 15110 USA Meetings: 1st Saturday, 7:30 pm, Munhall Boro Bldg., Munhall. Moraine Rockbusters 4642 Hampton Valley Dr. Allison Park, PA 15101 USA Meetings: 2nd Saturday, 7:30 pm, Mars Presbyterian Church, Mars. New Castle Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 8347-2 Sharon-Mercer Rd. Mercer, PA 16137-8968 USA Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 4:00 pm, Eaton Park, New Castle. Nitrany Mineralogical Society Penn State University 122 Steidle Bldg. University Park, PA 16802 USA Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30 pm, 301 Steidle Bldg. North Penn Rock & Mineral Club 782 Shearer St. N. Wales, PA 19454 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, Pennbrook Middle School, N. Wales Rd. & Hancock St. Pennsylvania Earth Sciences Association, Inc. 1353 Sullivan Trail Easton, PA 18042-1143 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm, Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church, 535 W. Emaus Ave., Allentown. Philadelphia Mineralogical Society Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Contact: Dr. David Gardner fax: 1-610-878-9331 E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Thursday (except July and August), Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education. Tuscarora Lapidary Society 105 W. Jasper St. Media, PA 19063 USA 1-610-565-8505 Meetings: 2nd Wednesday (Sept.-May), 8:00 pm, Springfield Township Bldg., Powell & Saxer Ave., Springfield. TLS is chartered as a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of the lapidary hobby (polishing and cutting gem stones), and the arts and sciences associated with lapidary. West Penn Micromineral Society 1221 Philippi Ave. Bethel Park, PA 15102 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Bethel Park Municipal Community Room, 5100 Library Ave. 
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