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Michigan Alpena Earth Science Society 400 Long Rapids Rd. Alpena, MI 49707 USA Meetings: 2nd Friday (Except Aug.), 7:30 pm, Birchwood Meadow Apts., 2550 Grant. Bay De Noc Gem & Mineral Club 613 "18th" St. Escanaba, MI 49824 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday (Sept.-May), 7:00 pm, Escanaba Senior High School. Blossomland Gem & Mineral Society 3162 E. Napier Ave. Benton Harbor, MI 49022 USA Meetings: 3rd Sunday (Sept.-June), 2:30 pm, St. Joseph, Lincoln Twp., Senior Center. Blue Water Lapidary Society 3631 Myrtle Rd. Lakeport ,MI 48059 USA Contact: Joseph Urdzela 1-810-385-4717 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 1st Friday (except July and August), 7:30 pm, Port Huron Museum of Arts & History, 1115 Sixth St, Port Huron. Federation: Midwest Federation Central Michigan Lapidary & Mineral Society 1407 Costs Grove Hastings, MI 49058 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, North School, 333 E. Miller Rd., Lansing. Copper County Rock & Mineral Club Dept. of Physics, MTU Houghton, MI 49931 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (except July & Dec. dinners), 7:00 pm, Michigan Tech, Seaman Mineral Museum. Flint Rock & Gem Club 2120 Christner St. Burton, MI 48519-1004 USA Contact: Diana Dady (News Letter Editor) 1-810-744-0852 Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Sept-May except Nov.), 7:00 pm, Clio Art Center, Clio, Michigan. Federation: Midwest Federation, American Federation of Mineralogical Society Flint Rock & Gem Club 1027 Markham St. Flint, MI 48507 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Sept.-May), 7:00 pm, International Institute, 515 Stevens. Huron Hills Lapidary & Mineral Society 227 Barton Shore Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA Meetings: 7:30 pm (Sept.-June), West Side United Methodist Church, 700 S. "7th." Grand Traverse Area Rock & Mineral Club P.O. Box #407 Northport, MI 49670 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Traverse City Senior Center, 801 E. Front St., Traverse City. Indian Mounds Rock & Mineral Club 4296 Oakview Hudsonville, MI 49426 Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (except June-Aug. picnics), 7:30 pm, Sunset Park Church, 3450 Michael Ave., Wyoming. Ishpeming Rock & Mineral Club, Inc. P.O. Box #102 Ishpeming, MI 49849 USA Meetings: Marquette Township Hall. Jack Pine Rock & Gem Club 1260 Hughes Lake Rd. Ross City, MI 48654 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Apr.-Dec.), 7:00 pm, Hale Senior Center, Hale. Kalamazoo Geological Society 206 E. Vienna St. Schoolcraft, MI 49087 USA Meetings: lst Wednesday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Kalamazoo County Center Bldg., Fairgrounds, Lake St., Kalamazoo. Livingston Gem & Mineral Society 370 Rayson Northville, MI 48167 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Crouse Bldg., Hartland. Michigan Gem & Mineral Society 447 Napoleon Rd. Michigan Center, MI USA Meetings: Clubhouse, 447 Naplean Rd. Michigan Geology & Gem Carver Society 12062 Peninsula Dr. Traverse City, MI 49686 USA Meetings: 4 meetings yearly, times Varies. Michigan Lapidary Society 7273 Wing Lake Rd. Birmingham, Michigan USA Contact: Doug White 7693 DaCosta Detroit, MI 48239 USA E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 6:30 pm. Michigan Mineralogical Society 13629 Breezy Dr. Sterling Hgts., MI 48313-2808 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday (Sept.-May), 8:00 pm, Cranbrook Institute of Science, Center Line. Mid-Michigan Gem Craft & Mineral Society 1516 Sixth St. Bay City, MI 48708 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday (Sept.-May), 7:00 pm, Chippewa Nature Center, 400 Badour Rd., Midland. Midwest Faceters Guild 2589 N. Hughes Rd. Howell, MI 48843-9749 USA Meetings: By announcement. Midwest Mineralogical & Lapidary Society of Dearborn P.O. Box #368 Dearborn, MI 48121 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Taylor Community Library, 12303 Pardee, Taylor. Mikenauk Rock and Gem Club 11701 Lancewood Roscommon, MI 48653 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Roscommon Community Center. Federation: Midwest Federation, American Federation Mt. Clemens Gem & Lapidary Society 23350 Allor St. Clair Shores, MI 48082 USA Contact: Sandy Chownyk (Editor of newsletter) 1-810-293-9127 E-Mail: Meetings: First Thursday (except June-August), 7:30 pm, Mt. Clemens Community Center, 300 North Groesbeck, Mt. Clemens. Federation: Midwest Federation and American Federation Muskegon Rock & Mineral Association 602 Fleming Muskegon, MI 49445 USA Meetings: 4th Monday (Except Dec.), 7:30 pm, McGraft Park Community Bldg. Oakland County Earth Science Club 5640 Williams Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48329 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, CAI Bldg. Roamin Club c/o John Boyer 27540 Barkley St. Livonia, MI 48154 USA Contact: John Boyer (Vice President) E-mail: unavailable 1-734-525-0006 Meetings: 2nd Wednesday (Sep-June), 7:30 pm, Nativity United Church of Christ,9435 Henry Ruff Rd. Federation: Midwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies Rock Exchange Club 30721 Florence Garden City, MI 48135 USA Meetings: 2nd Friday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, Henry Ruff School. State Line Gem & Mineral Society 12434 Pence Hwy. Jasper, MI 49248 USA Meetings: 1st Sunday (Sept.-May), 2:00 pm, Tecumseh Community Center, E. Chicago Blvd, Tecumseh. Stonehead Lapidary & Mineral Club P.O. Box #416 White Pine, MI 49971 USA Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm, White Pine Town Hall. Tir-Country Rock & Mineral Society 1724 E. Salzburg Rd. Bay City, MI 48706-9781 USA Meetings: 2nd Saturday (March-Dec.), 12:00 pm, Stacy's Restaurant. Tulip City Gem & Mineral Club 579 W. "29th" St. Holland, MI 49423 USA Meetings: 4th Wednesday (Sept.-June), 7:00 pm, Holland Civic Center. Wonderland Rock Club 10330 Kendaville Rd. Vestaburg, MI 48891 USA Meetings: 1st Saturday, 6:15 pm, Rod & Mary Wing residence, 10330 Kendaville Rd. Minnesota  Anoka County Gem & Mineral Club Anoka, Minnesota USA Meetings: 1st Friday (Sept.-April), 7:30 pm, Northtown Hall, Community Room. Austin Gem & Mineral Society Rt. 1, Box 235 Spring Valley, MN 55975 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Salvation Army Community Center, Austin. Carlton County Gem & Mineral Club 113 Ave. C Cloquet, MN 55720 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Alternating between Civic Centers in Carlton and Moose Lake. Cuyuna Rock, Gem & Mineral Society Rd. 1, Box 70 Aitkin, MN 56431 USA Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:00 pm, Crosby Community Center, Crosby Itasca Rock & Mineral Club Grand Rapids, Minnesota USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday (except July), 8:00 pm, Grand Rapids Public Library. Lake Superior Gem & Mineral Club 419 Minneapolis Ave. Duluth, MN 55803 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday (Sept.-May), 7:00 pm, Senior Center, 2014 W. "3rd" St. Little Crow Lapidary & Mineral Club 1412 Monongalia Ave. SW Willmar, MN 56201 USA Meetings: 1st Monday (Apr.-Oct.), 7:00 pm, Willmar Jr. High School, Room 102. Minnesota Mineral Club c/o John Rokke PO Box 580706 Minneapolis, MN 55458-0706 USA Meeting: 2nd Saturday (Oct. - May), 7:30 pm, Falcon Heights Community Center, 2077 Larpenteur Ave., 1/2 mile East of Cleveland Ave. Contact: Carla & John Rokke E-Mail: Federation: Midwest Federation Minnesota Valley Gem & Mineral Club Box 172 Elysia, MN 56028 USA Meetings: Last Thursday (Feb.-May, Sept.-Nov.), 7:30 pm, South Central Technical College. Minnowa Rock & Gem Rt. 2, Box 114 Elmore, MN 56027 USA Meetings: 2nd Sunday (Aug.-April), 1:30 pm, Members homes. Richfield Mineral Club 5116 Benton Ave. Edina, MN 55436 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Sept.-Jun.), 7:30 pm, United Methodist Church of Peace. St. Croix Rockhounds 28685 Johnson Lane Chisago Lakes, MN 55013 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Sept.-May), 7:15 pm, Stone Bridge School, Stillwater. Steele County Gem & Mineral Club 2565 NE "3rd" Ave. Owatonna, MN 55060 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm, Associate Church, Havana Rd. Mississippi  Harrison County Gem & Mineral Society P.O. Box #3028 Bay St. Louis, MS 39520-3028 USA Contact: Margaret Johnston or Jessie Sisk 1-228-467-1457 Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm, The Herbert Wilson Recreation Center, Gulfport. Federation: Eastern Mississippi Gem & Mineral Society P.O. Box #844 Jackson, MS 39205 USA Meetings: 4th Friday, 7:30 pm, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science,111 N. Jefferson St. Mississippi Gulf Coast Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 4012 Pascagoula St. Pascagoula, MS 39567 USA Meetings: 2nd Sunday, 2:30 pm,Ocean Springs Library, 526 Dewey Ave., Ocean Springs. Pearl River Rock Club 123 W. Lakeshore Dr. Carriere, MS 39426 USA Meetings: 4th Saturday, 2:00 pm, Crosby Library, Picayune. Missouri  Blue Ridge Gem & Mineral Society 7710 East Gregory Kansas City, MO 64133 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Except Aug.), 7:30 pm, Church Basement 5757 Blue Ridge, Raytown. Central Missouri Mineral, Fossil & Gem Society P.O. Box #1426 Rolla, MO 65401 USA Meetings: 3rd Friday (except Dec.), 7:00 pm, Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Geology & Lord Survey. Central Missouri Rock & Lapidary Club 1201 Jake Lane Columbia, MO 65203 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday (Sept.June), 7:30 pm, Broadway Christian Church, Columbia. Earth Science Club of Missouri 24 Cedar Park Florissant, MO 63031 USA Meetings: 1st Friday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Brentwood Recreation Center, Brentwood. Independence Gem & Mineral Society c/o Becky Bowen (President) 20602 E. Truman Rd. Independence, MO 64056 USA or c/o Betty White (Editor) 105 S. Oxford Independence, MO 64053 USA Contact: Betty White E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Noland Baptist Church, 4505 So, Noland Rd. Federation: Midwest Federation Lake of the Ozarks Rock, Gem & Mineral Club Rt. 2, Box 767A Gravois Mills, MO 65037 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Versailles Bank, Meeting Room. McDonnell Douglas Gem & Mineral Society 1413 N. Elizabeth Calverton Park, MO 63135 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Bldg. 271, Corner of Phantom & Anglum, St. Louis. Mineral Area Gem and Mineral Association 900 East St. Leadwood, MO 63653 USA Contact: Tom Schembra 1-573-598-3961 Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Missouri Action Agency Bldg., 403 Glendale, Park Hills. Federation: Mid-west Federation Missouri Valley Gem & Mineral Club 1221 Prospect Ave. Saint Joseph, MO 64501 USA Ozark Mountain Gem & Mineral Society 4033 W. Farm Rd. #148 Springfield, MO 65807 USA Meetings: 4th Monday, 4:30 pm, Development Center of the Ozarks, 1545 E. Pythian. Pike County Mineral & Gem Society Rt 3 Middleton, MO 63359 USA Meetings: 2nd Saturday (except Jan.), 7:30 pm, Bowling Green Community Center, New Hartford. Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society c/o Bob Morse (President) 135 Knox St. Troy, MO 63397 USA Club E-mail: Contact: Bob Morse 1-314-462-4423 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 4th Friday, 7:30 pm, Sachs Electric, 6300 Justus Post Rd. Chesterfield. Federation: Midwest Federation of Gem and Mineral Societies Show-Me Rockhounds Association 3912 Queen Ridge Independence, MO 64055 USA Contact: Roland Smith 1-816-931-0184 Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (except July and August), 7:00 pm-9:00 pm, Westport Presbyterian Church, 201 Westport Rd. Kansas City. St. Louis Mineral & Gem Society c/o Glenn Williams 549 Aqua Ridge Dr. St. Louis, MO 63129 USA Contact: Glenn Williams 1-314-892-1991 Also: Roy Hurlburt E-mail: Meetings: 1st Friday of the Month, 7:30 pm, Washington University, James McDonnell Hall, Rm 361. Federations: MW Federation; Greater St. Louis Associations of Earth Science Clubs Montana  Big Sky Faceters Guild, Inc. PO Box 564 Great Falls, MT 59403 USA Meetings: 4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Montana School for Deaf & Blind. Big Sky Rockhounds PO Box 161085 Big Sky, MT 59716 USA Meetings: 1st of each month, 5:30 pm, Golden Eagle Clubhouse. Big Sky Rock & Mineral 75 Jette Lake Lane Polson, MT 59860 USA Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 1:30 pm, St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Billings Gem & Mineral Club, Inc. PO Box 477 Billings, MT 59103 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, First Christian Church, Corner of "6th" Ave. & "29th" St. Bozeman Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 375 Bozeman, MT 59771-0375 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Bozeman Senior Center, 807 N. Tracy Ave. Butte Mineral & Gem Club PO Box 4492 Butte, MT 59702 USA Meeting.: 4th Tuesday, Senior Citizens Center, 25 W. Front. Helena Mineral Society P O Box 734 Helena, MT 59624 USA Contact: Gary Parisi 1-406-442-1226 E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:00-9:00 pm, Valley Bank 3030 N Montana Ave. Hellgate Mineral Society PO Box 3015 Missoula, MT 59806 USA Meetings: 2nd Wednesday 7:30 pm, Western Federal Savings & Loan, Southgate Mall. Kalispell Rockhounds 379 Managhan Lane Kalispell, MT 59901 USA Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:30 pm, Courthouse East. Lewistown Rockers Junior Club PO Box 871 Lewistown, MT 59457 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm, Fergus County Sheriff Complex Basement. Yellowstone Agate Club 1001 N. Haynes Ave. Miles City, MT 59301 USA Yellowstone Gem & Mineral Society 105 Deep Creek Rd. Livingston, MT 59047 USA Meetings: 4th Thursday, 7:30 pm, West Rm. City/County Complex. Nebraska  Central Nebraska Rock & Mineral Society 730 N. "6th" Ave. Hastings, NE 68901 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday (Sept.-May), 8:00 pm, Members Homes. Fort Kearney Rock Club 808 W. "27th" St. Kearney, NE 68847 USA Meetings: 1st Monday (except July), 8:00 pm, Campus Luthern Center, "9th" Ave. & "28th" St. Grand Island Earth Science Society 1616 S. Lincoln Grand Island, NE 68801 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, Blue Flame Room, 515 W. "3rd." Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club 836 S. "31st" Lincoln, NE 68510 USA Meetings: 4th Saturday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, Nebraska Center, "33rd" & Holdrege. Loup Valley Gem & Mineral Society 303 C St. Schuyler, NE 68661 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday (April,-Oct.), 8:00 pm, Monroe. Midstate Rock Club PO Box 116 Gibbon, NE 68840 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Member Homes. Nebraska Mineral & Gem Club 11506 Spaulding Omaha, NE 68164 USA Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Pipal Park, 7770 Hascall. North Central Nebraska Rockhounds Rt. 7, Box 57A Ainsworth, NE 69210 USA Meetings: 1st Tuesday (Sept.-May), 8:00 pm, Members Homes. Northeast Nebraska Rock & Mineral Society PO Box 1724 Norfolk, NE 68702 USA Meetings: Last Thursday (Except November), 8:00 pm, Norfolk Senior Citizens Center. Prairie Rockhounds PO Box 611 Ogallala, NE 69153 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, various home locations.

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