Click on a state
Alabama/Alaska/Arizona/Arkansas California /Colorado/Conneticut/Delaware Florida/Georgia/Idaho /Iowa/Illinois Indiana /Kentucky/Louisana/Massachusettes Maryland /Maine /Michigan /Minnesota Mississippi/Missouri/Montana /Nebraska
Nevada/New Hampshire/New Jersey/New Mexico
North Carolina/North Dakota/Ohio/Oklahoma
Oregon/Pennsylvania/Rhode Island/South Carolina
South Dakota/Tennessee/Texas/Utah
Vermont/Virginia/Washington/West Virginia
Wisconsin/Wyoming National Clubs  Colorado Canon City Geology Club 2401 Central Ave., 27 Canon, CO 81212 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, BLM Building, 3170 E. Main St. Colorado Mineral Society PO Box 280755 Lakewood, CO 80228-0755 USA Meetings: lst Friday, 7:30 pm, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, "10th" & Garison. Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society PO Box 2 Colorado Springs, CO 80901-0002 USA Meetings: 2nd Friday, 7:30 pm, 725 S. Nevada. Columbine Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 122 Poncha Springs, CO 81242 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Shavano Manor Meeting Room. Computer Oriented Geological Society (COGS) PO Box 269 Golden, CO 80402-0269 USA Contact: Tom Bresnahan E-Mail: Helps geologists using computers in the geosciences. It conveys information of interest to all geological disciplines, and provides a forum for individuals to share their experiences with other geologists. COGS was founded in 1982 in Denver, Colorado, USA, and worldwide membership has grown to more than 1000. All geologists interested in learning more about using computers for technical purposes are invited to join the society. Denver Gem & Mineral Guild 2722 S. Saulsbury St. Denver, CO 80227 USA Meetings: 2nd Friday (Sept. - May), 7:30 pm Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines. Flatirons Mineral Club PO Box 3331 Boulder, CO 80307-3331 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Crossroads Mall Meeting Room. Four Corners Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 955 Durango, CO 81302 USA Meetings: lst & 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm, Brookside Park, 2305 Main Ave. Friends of Mineralogy PO Box 150401 Denver, CO 80215-0401 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday (Jan.-May, Sept.-Nov.), 7:30 pm. Denver Museum of Natural History. Ft. Collins Rockhounds PO Box 1951 Ft. Collins, CO 80522 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm, Knight. of Columbus Hall, 121 N. Meldrum St. Gates Rock & Mineral Club PO Box 2370 Englewood, CO 80150 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Gates Rubber Company, 999 S. Broadway, Denver.  Geological Society of America, The 3300 Penrose Pl. PO Box 9140 Boulder, CO 80301-9140 USA 1-303-447-2020 E-Mail: The mission of GSA is to advance the geosciences, to enhance the professional growth of its members, and to promote the geosciences in the service of humankind. Grand Junction Gem & Mineral Club, Inc., The PO Box 953 Grand Junction, CO 81502 USA Meetings: 2nd & 4th Thursday (June, July, Aug.). High Plains Rock & Artifact Society 212 Kier Sterling, CO 80751 USA
Colorado Mineral Society
PO Bo. 280755 Lakewood (80228-0755)
Meetings: lst Friday, 7:30 Pm
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 10th & Garison
Littleton Gem & Mineral Club, Inc. PO Box 283 Littleton, CO 80160-0283 USA E-Mail: Meetings: 3rd Friday (September-May), 7:30 pm Littleton Community Center, 1950 W. Littleton Blvd. Longmont Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 73 Longmont, CO 80501 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Central Elementary School, Bross St. Mile High Gem Club 821 Spring Dr. Boulder, CO 80303 USA Meetings: 6 times a year, members' homes. Mile High Rock & Mineral Society PO Box 81 Westminster, CO 80030 USA Meetings: Friday, 7:30 pm, Valley Lutheran Church North Jeffco Gem and Mineral Club, The E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Friday, 7:30 pm, Senior Recreation Center, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada, CO 80003 USA Page contains club, field trip, and show information. Pueblo Rockhounds, Inc. PO Box 3034 Pueblo, CO 81005 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 10 University Cir. Trail Ridge Rock & Mineral PO Box 1903 Estes Park, CO 80517 USA Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 2:00 pm, Senior Citizens Center. Ute Mountain Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 385 Cotez, CO 81321 USA Weld Country Rock & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 733 Greeley, CO 80632 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Greely Senior Center. Connecticut  Bridgeport Mineralogical Society PO Box 686 Fairfield, CT 06430-0686 USA Meetings: Last Wednesday (Jan.-June, Sept.-Nov.), 7:45 pm, Sacred Heart University, 5151 Park Ave., Room 102B. Bristol Gem & Mineral Club PO Box 71 Bristol, CT 06011-0071 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Bristol Senior Center. Connecticut Valley Mineral Club 227 Seantic Rd. E. Windsor, CT 06088 USA Meetings: lst Wednesday, 6:00 pm, Springfield Science Museum, Tehran Wing, Springfield, MA. Danbury Mineralogical Society PO Box 2642 Danbury, CT 06810-2642 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday September thru June (none July and Aug), 8:00 pm, Mill Ridge Intermediate School Mill Ridge Rd. Federation: Eastern Federation, American Federation, Connecticut Council Lapidary & Mineral Society of Central Connecticut, Inc. PO Box 476 Meriden, CT 06450 USA Meeting: 4th Monday (Sept.-June), 7:30 pm, Maloney High School, Gravel Rd. New Haven Mineral Club, Inc. 246 Mirror Lane Guilford, CT 06437 USA Contact: Janet Van Iderstine 1-203-458-6109 E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Monday (Oct. thru May), 8:00 pm, Veteran's Memorial Building, Brooksvale Recreation Park, Brooksvale Ave. Hamden. Federations: E.F.M.L.S., A.F.M.S. Stamford Mineralogical Society PO Box 4148 Stamford, CT 06907 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday (except August), 7:45 pm, Stamford Baptist Church, 602 High Ridge Rd. Thames Valley Rockhounds PO Box M Groton, CT 06340 USA Contact: Louis (Lou) Castagna 1-860-536-1883 Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:00 pm, Bill Library Intersection Rts. 117 and 27 Ledyard. Federation: EFMLS and AFMS Thames Valley Rockhounds, Inc. PO Box 853 Baltic, CT 06330 USA Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:00 pm, Bill Library in Ledyard Center.
Delaware  Eastern Shore Rock, Gem & Mineral Society 1030-5 S. Governors Ave. Dover, DE 19903 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday quarterly, 7:30 pm, Holly Center, Rm. 1, Salisbury, MD. Delaware Mineralogical Society, Inc. PO Box 3937 Wilmington, DE 19807 USA E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Monday (except July and August),7:30 pm, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville. Federation: Eastern Federation of Mineralogical & Lapidary Societies. Florida  Anclote Earth Science Club PO Box 36 Port Richey, FL 34673 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Elfers Multi Purpose Center, 3146 Barker Dr. Canaveral Mineral & Gem Society 2526 Watkins Dr. Melbourne, FL 32901 USA Meetings: 1st Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Civic Center, Front St. Central Brevard Rock & Gem Club, Inc. 3985 Seville Ave. Cocoa, FL 32926 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Merritt Island Library, 1195 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island. Central Florida Mineral & Gem Society PO Box 536111 Orlando, FL 32853 USA Meetings: 4th Wednsday, 7:00 pm, Irene Day Ctr., Randolph St.
Florida Gold Coast Gem & Mineral Society
c/o D. Dietz
4923 NW 66th Ave.
Lauderhill, FL 33319-7211
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Apple Creek Community Center, 7301 W.
Sunrise Blvd.
Contact: Les at 954-587-0098 or Don at 954-578-9005
E-mail: Don Dietz
Cabbing Room: Open Thursday's 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Location: Graves Company, 1800 N Andrews Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Gainesville Gem & Mineral Society 3517 NW "10th" Ave. Gainesville, FL 32605 USA Meetings: 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm, Doyle Canne, Building, 1911 SW "34th" St. Gem & Mineral Club of Deland PO Box 265 DeLand, FL 32721-0265 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, Woodland Towers 113 Chipola Ave. Gem & Mineral Society of the Palm Beaches, Inc. PO Box 18095 West Palm Beach, FL 33416 USA Contact: Jeff Ursillo 1-561-278-1120 E-Mail: BNMJEFF@AOL.COM Meetings: 3rd Thursday (Sept.-May), 7:30 pm, South Florida Science Museum, Dreher Park, 4801 Dreher Trail. Federations: EFMLS, AFMS, Southeast Federation Gulf Coast Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 1885 Panama City, FL 32409 USA Meetings: lst Wednesday, 7:00 pm, 710 Iowa Ave., Lynn Haven. Gulf Coast Mineral, Fossil & Gem Club, Inc. PO Box 1404 Venice, FL 34284 USA Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:00 pm, Venice Library, 300 Nokomis Ave. Highlands Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 2115 Van Pelt Rd. Sebring, FL 33870 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Huntington National Bank, 126 W. Center Ave. Imperial Polk Country Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 2054 Auburndale, FL 33823 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Trinity United Methodist Church School, 2551 Havendale Blvd., Winter Haven. Jacksonville Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 7084 Jacksonville, FL 32073 USA Meetings: lst Thursday, 7:30 pm, Riverside Ave. Christian Church, 2841 Riverside Ave. Keys Gem & Mineral Society 27322 St. Martin Lane Summerland Key, FL 33042 USA Meetings: lst Tuesday, 8:00 pm, Blue Heron Park, Litton Way, Big Pine Key. Lake City Gem & Mineral Society Route 2, Box 479 Lake Butler, FL 32054 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Columbia County Library, 409 N. Manasota Rock & Gem Club, Inc. PO Box 5872 Sarasota, FL 34277-5872 USA Meetings: 4th Friday, 7:30 pm, Barnett Bank, 1237 Stickney Pt. Rd., Siesta Key. Miami Mineral & Gem Society PO Box 558172 Miami, FL 33155 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 8:00 pm, Simpson Park, 55 SW 17 Rd. Miami Mineralogical & Lapidary Guild, Inc. 3280 S. Miami Ave. Miami, FL 33129 USA Meetings: 4th Monday, 8:00 pm, Museum of Science, 3280 S. Miami Ave. Mid-Florida Gem & Mineral Society 14958 S.W. 35 Cir. Ocala, FL 34473 USA Meetings:1st Friday, 7:30 pm, Cherokee Park Clubhouse, 113 St. & Hames Rd., Belleview. Panama City Gem & Mineral Society 1204 E. "3rd" St. Panama City, FL 32401 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Junior Museum, 1731 Jenks, Ave.
Ft. Myers - Paleontological Society of Lee County
Mailing: P.O. Box 151651 Cape Coral, FL 33951-6511
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of month (no meeting in August), 7pm
Location: Calusa Nature Center on Ortiz, Ft. Myers
E-mail: David Cale
Telephone: 941-656-6111
Pinellas Geological Society PO Box 6263 Cleawater, FL 34618-6263 USA Meetings: 4th Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Large Library, 351 E. Bay Dr., Large. Playground Gem & Mineral Society 17B First St. Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 USA Contact: Neil Bauer 1-850-862-0059 E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, 17B First St. Federation: Eastern Federation RockBusters (Fossil, Rock, & Mineral Club) 1606 Wagonwheel Rd. Wimauma, Florida USA Contact: Warren L. Kruger 1-813-634-6316 E-Mail: Meetings: 1st Wednsday, 8:00 to 9:00 pm, times as posted. Location: various locations will be posted. Saint Lucie Country Rock & Gem Club PO Box 354 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 USA Meetings: 4th Thursday, 7:30 pm, Indian River Community College, Bldg.W Rm. 109. Southwest Florida Gem, Mineral & Fossil Club c/o Kelly Johnson 27249 Jolly Roger Lane Bonita Springs, FL 34135 USA Contact: Kelly Johnson 1-941-992-3844 E-Mail: Meetings: 4th Tuesday (Sept--May), 7:30 pm, The Garden Club Center, 2646 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, in front of the Lee Memorial Hospital. Suncoast Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 13254 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 USA Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Azalea Adult Ctr., 1600 "72nd" Street N. Tampa Bay Mineral & Science Club website:
Mailing Address: PO Box 388 Mango, FL 33550-0388 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Clubhouse, 10207 Fisher Ave., Tampa. Email:
Telephone: (813) 684-2039 Tomoka Gem & Mineralogical Society 140 Warwick Ave. Ormond Beach, FL 33174 USA Meetings: lst Thursday, 7:30 pm, Sica Hall Community Center, 1065 Daytona Ave., Holly Hill. Treasure Coast Rock & Gem Society PO Box 531 Vero Beach, FL 32961 USA Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Center for the Arts, 3001 Riverside Park Dr. Tropical Mineral & Gem Society PO Box 560893 Miami, FL 33256-0893 USA Meetings: 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, Simpsom Park Clubhouse, 55 S.W. "17th" Rd. Withlacoochee Rockhound Club 4215 Orchid Dr. Hernando Beach, FL 34607 USA Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Hernando County Senior Citizens Ctr., Cavehill Rd., Spring Hill. Federation: SFMS, EFMS Georgia  Appalachian Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 980 Young Harris, GA 30582 USA Meetings: Time varies, William Holland School of Lapidary Art. Athens Rock & Gem Club 150 Walton Creek Rd. Athens, GA 30607 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Augusta Gem & Mineral Society 2102 Cook Rd. Augusta, GA 30904 USA Meetings: 3rd Friday, 8:00 pm, First Union Bank, Civic Rm. Daniel Village, Wrightsboro Rd. Carroll County Gem and Mineral Society PO Box 1434 Temple, GA 30179-1434 USA Contact: Pat Martin (President) 1-770-562-9336 E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Neva Lomasson Library Rome St. Carrollton. Federation: Southeast Federation, AFMS Clay County Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 262 Young Harris, GA 30582 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Cobb County Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 309 Marietta, GA 30061 USA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, E. Cobb Government Service Ct., 4400 Lower Roswell Rd. Cotton Indian Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. PO Box 472 Stockbridge, GA 30281 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Cochran Library, Stockton. Flint River Gem & Mineral Society 199 Martin Dairy Rd. Milner, GA 30257 USA Meetings: 7:30 pm. Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. 7313 New Calhoun Hwy., NE Adiarsville, GA 30103-4434 USA Meetings: 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1941 Shoter Ave., Rome. Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia USA 1-770-936-1380 Meetings: 1st Monday (holidays 3rd Monday), 7:30 pm, Chamblee Library, 4115 Clairmont Rd., Chamblee. Glerc Lapidary Club 86 Walker St. Marietta, GA 30063 USA Meeting.: 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm, GLERC, 800 Walker St. Golden Isles Gem & Mineral Club 2402 Norwich St. Brunswick, GA 31520 USA Meeting.: Last Monday, 7:30 pm, 2402 Norwich St. Lanier Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. 3527 Casper Dr., 65-C Gainesville, GA 30506 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Blackshear Public Library, 2927 Atlanta Hwy. Mid-Georgia Gem and Mineral Society c/o Howard Binkley Rt. 1, Box 281B Butler, GA 30116 USA Club E-Mail: Contact: James Mc Glynn 1-912-475 -4586 E-Mail: unavailable Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:30 pm, Museum of Arts and Science, Forsyth Rd., Macon, GA. Federation: Eastern Federation A non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the earth sciences, lapidary arts and the collection, study and display of rocks, minerals and fossils. We also seek to promote public awareness of these efforts through educational and recreational activities. Northeast Georgia Mineral Society PO Box 185 Cornelia, GA 30531-0185 USA Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm, Cornelia Library. Savannah Lapidary Club
P O Box 1735
Richmond Hill GA 31324
Contact: Secretary at
Meetings are 6:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month near Memorial Hospital Statesboro Gem & Lapidary Club PO Box 282 Statesboro, GA 30459 USA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Box 494 Yucaipa, CA 92399 USA 
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