Dinosaur Bone cab ~
Here is a cabochon of top shelf spiderwebbed dinosaur bone, from Utah. This fossil material is many millions of years old, a thrilling example of the natural preservation of our earth's ancient, extinct 'thunder lizards'. The cores of the cells in this fossil bone have been completely replaced with clear agate, leaving only a lattice work of webbing in golden tan. And the sponge-like network of pattern looks quite amazing! The photos reveal the stone's remarkable degree of translucence; please click them up to full size for a better view. It's some of the nicest gem bone I've ever enjoyed cabbing, and I'm sure it'll create a fabulous item jewelry that is literally a piece of the past! The cab has a very high rounded dome, an elegant designer shape, and a super smooth, glassy polish both front and back.
Size: 41.5x33mm
Weight: approximately 47 carats
Price: SOLD Current gemstone for sale $69.00 
 Blond Dinosaur Bone