Malachite cuprite cab ~
Offered here is a good-sized cabochon of blended chrysocolla & malachite in agate/quartz with cuprite, from Arizona. This vibrant, gemmy material is something seldom seen, but it's mighty hard to beat when it comes to eye catching. The colors don't translate very well, digitally, so these photos don't do them much justice. In hand, you'll see shades of deep greens to greenish blues, with scattered patches of dark blood red and chocolate brown cuprite. Some of the background agate/quartz mixture is stained the color of the chrysocolla-malachite, resulting in streaks within it, like spiderwebbing. Highly silicated material like this is quite durable; it's certainly hard enough, naturally, to accept an above average polish, and it will wear well in any type of jewelry you can dream up. The stone has a nicely rounded dome of about 6mm, and a bold designer 'fan' shape, polished both front and back.
Size: 42x40mm
Weight: approximately 60 carats
Price: SOLD See current gemstones for sale
Malachite cuprite