Howardite cab ~
Offered here is an interesting cabochon of howardite (an unsual and rare form of opalized-silicated tuff), from northern Nevada. According to the miner, this material was all dug out long ago, and what little there is to be had from collectors comes at a premium. Sometimes called 'rattlesnake stone', it has delightful coloration and figure, reminding me of crazy venetian blinds or zippers, oddly enough. The darkest areas you see in the pic are actually highly translucent pools, some showing ghostly fortifications, giving the stone a fascinating quality of depth. The backlit photo illustrates the stone's gemmy nature, so please click the pics up to full size to see the details. This cab has a well rounded dome of 7mm, a versatile designer shape, and a slick glossy polish both front and back.
Size: 42x21mm
Weight: approximately 38 carats
Price: SOLD See current gemstones for sale 