Mushroom jasper cab ~
Offered here is a cabochon of mushroom picture jasper, from Arizona. This silicated material is actually a rhyolite, much like rainforest 'jasper'. It's named for its similarity to mushrooms, which sounds a lot better than toadstool jasper, eh? Very pretty stuff that's been around for a while, I held off buying any until seeing some in person, now I love it. This example has several areas of bluish-gray quartz forming the many 'shrooms, which are neatly accented by brown to crimson edging, set off by snow white crackeleur figures. This stone has a well rounded dome of 5mm, and a designer 'spear' shape. Despite the crinkly antiqued look of the pattern, it is finished with a very smooth glassy polish both front and back.
Size: 49x21mm
Weight: approximately 40 carats
SOLD See current gemstones for sale here

 Mushroom jasper