Black River agate cab ~
Offered here is a superbly dramatic cabochon of Black River agate, from Argentina. Fresh from this year's Quartzite show, and new to my shop, came a parcel of hand-selected agates. Mighty fun cutting, I must say! This gorgeous shadow agate came from the very first nodule I sliced. It boasts a plethora of super fine fortification bandings showing crazy parallax effect, ie. the bands seem to wiggle open and closed as the stones is moved. It also has excellent contrast, reminding me of some Lake Superior agates I have known and loved, but with an oddly attractive greenish-yellow undertone. Truly a keeper! The cab has a nicely rounded dome of 5mm, and a gracefully scalloped designer drop shape, polished to a glassy brilliance both front and back.
Size: 49x33mm
Weight: approximately 65 carats
SOLD See current gemstones for sale here

 Black River agate