Ocean jasper cab ~
Offered here is a sweet cabochon of superb ocean jasper, from Madagascar. Ocean jasper never fails to amaze me with its endless variations! Sadly, there are no plans for any further harvesting at the original source. This unique cab features a wildly festive pattern that includes a variety of bubble gum pink bullseyes outlined in a soft green shade. Those green rings have pseudomorphs of crystals around their edges, making them look like tiny cogwheels. Between them is another lighter shade of green which really sets off the bullseyes' scallops, with a sparkly fortification at center. Beneath that is a grouping of different multi-ringed bullseyes surrounded by a delicate pastel shade of pink, edged in extra fancy bandings. Then there's a band of translucent dark green crackeleur crystal, capped with snow white. It's one of the nicest O.J. cabs I've ever offered, a genuine treasure! If no one buys it, I'll give it a home in my own collection. The stone has a nicely rounded dome of 5mm, a graceful designer shape, and a slick glassy polish both front and back.
Size: 54x24mm
Weight: approximately 57 carats
Price: SOLD Click for current gemstones for sale

 Ocean Jasper