Petrified wood cab ~
Offered here is a unique cabochon of petrified wood, which might be more accurately described as a wood replacement. I don't know what species this is but I can tell you this collectible agatized material is a joy to work with, and certainly cuts striking stones. This gemmy example is nearly all agate, showing a complex pattern of circular growth rings, including the very heart of the once-living tree. It's amazing to see so much minute detail so perfectly preserved over eons of time; the figure stands out in sharp contrast, entertaining the eye. The backlit photo reveals that the dark, rich root beer brown agate is highly translucent, so you can easily discern the opaque light colored rings are actually seen on edge, in cross-section, as they fade away down into the depths of the stone. This one is sure to be grand in any creative item of jewelry, and either gold or silver will show it off beautifully. The cab has a nicely rounded dome of nearly 6mm, and a gracefully curved designer 'flame' shape, with a glassy polish both front and back.
Size: 62x25mm
Weight: approximately 56 carats
Price:SOLD Current Gemstone Offerings
 Petrified wood