Alunite cab ~
Offered here is a cabochon of top notch alunite, old time stock dug years ago near Quartzite, Arizona. This is a particularly remarkable example of alunite, cut the very finest rough material I've ever seen; much of what you'll come across is drab by comparison, and some is even downright ugly. But this stone has an unusually attractive pattern of blood red dots, set against a background the color of old yellowed ivory, shot through with spiderwebs of maroon. It's sure to look magnificent set in either gold or silver, so let your creative imagination soar! The stone has a nicely rounded dome of 7.5mm, an elegant designer shape, and a slick glossy polish both front and back.
Size: 59x19mm
Weight: approximately 64 carats total
Price: SOLD Current gemstone for sale $39.00
