Shattuckite in chrysocolla cab ~
Offered here is a cabochon of blended shattuckite & chrysocolla from the Congo. This vibrant blue material is mighty hard to beat when it comes to eye catching, and I have to say the photos fall short of illustrating the vivid hue. The colors just don't translate very well digitally, but in hand, you'll see a strong electric CERULEAN blue, with a scattering of jet black confetti-like patches. Those seemingly dark areas are actually a dark shiny metallic that's silvery in color; possibly hematite, if I had to hazard a guess. Patches of royal blue shattuckite add accent. This highly silicated material is quite durable; it's naturally hard enough to take an excellent polish, so it will wear well in any type of jewelry you can create. The stone has a low rounded dome of 4mm, polished both front and back.
Size: 40x24mm
Weight: approximately 36 carats
SOLD See current gemstones for sale here 
 Shattuckite in chrysocolla