Shattuckite in chrysocolla cab ~
Offered here is a LARGE deluxe cabochon of rare blended shattuckite and chrysocolla, from the Congo. This amazing electric blue material is mighty hard to beat when it comes to eye catching, and I have to say the photos fall short of illustrating the rich, super-saturated hue. If you're an oil painter, you'll be familiar with Grumbacher's brilliant cerulean blue, the one that's too strong to use straight out of the tube; add a bit of white and you've painted this stone. What appears to be black patches are actually sub metallics that gleam like crinkly black chrome, which I'm told is probably cuprite. Then there's dabs of darker lapis lazuli blue, and if my source is not mistaken, that is the shattuckite. This highly silicated material has proved to be very durable; it's naturally hard enough to take an excellent polish, so it will wear nicely in any type of jewelry you can conjure up. The stone has a generously high rounded dome of 6mm, and a curvy designer shape, polished both front and back.
Size: 64x26mm
Weight: approximately 80 carats
Price: SOLD See current gemstones for sale 
 Shattuckite in chrysocolla