Peanut wood cab ~
Here is a designer cabochon of rare petrified peanut wood, also known as teredo wood. This ancient fossil material is an Araucaria species of tree, found in the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia. A close look reveals some faint woodgrain pattern toward the tip, though it's very subtle. The white areas are actually part of a network of holes where the once-living wood was bored by Teredo Mollusks, aka shipworms. Over millennia, those holes were filled with radiolarite, an odd form of common opal. Some of the white 'holes' are edged with translucent agate too, for extra added character. The cab has a generously high rounded dome of 8mm, a sleek shape, and a great glassy polish both front and back.
Size: 47x 20 mm
Weight: approximately 46 carats
Price: Sold Current gemstone offerings $69.00
Peanut wood