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WELCOME to my Native American graphics site!
Here you will find Silverhawk's Native American Indian graphics, Southwest designs and other related images. Find bears, hawks, eagles, deer, feathers, arrows, peace pipes, 4 directions, medicine wheels, dream catchers, buffalo, thunderbirds, all designed into webpage backgrounds, buttons, and bars. You can also purchase new sets for sale on CD or diskette. I do hope you find your visit worthwhile, and maybe even see something you'd
like to use on your own website. The copyright 'linkware' images on this domain were each handmade for you to enjoy.
Are you looking for web hosting? Silverhawk's Internet services is now offering 25MEG-300MEG sites, with all the extras for your domain. Please come see what we have to offer.
You may access silverhawk's designer gemstones and the silversmithing pages here.
If you would like a link on Silverhawk's Native American graphics site PLEASE LET US KNOW. We get at least 700 visitors a day and quite a few of them write to us to find sites to see. In response we put up a link directory to advertise your site from ours.
We will be charging only $12 for one year of advertising for anyone joining in this month.  Please click here to have a link placed on Silverhawk's Graphics site to yours
When you click on the 'I agree' button you will be asked to enter a name and password.

Copyright 2016